Saturday, April 17, 2010

Triplets in the Neighborhood

Our little condo is on the corner of a lane leading directly onto the beach and we enjoy watching the steady stream of walkers, dogs on leashes, bikers, golf carts, runners... The dogs stand on the back of the couch and watch through the picture window. Always something going on. Today's triplets take the prize for "Cuteness".

The String Rays played at Palm Coast Coffee House last night and we enjoyed hanging with the SSI Village crew. From left to right: Mimi, Rosemary, Connie, Jay, Shelly... good looking bunch!

Getting geared up to hit the road and work our way North for a busy summer of weddings, showers, anniversary and bachelor parties. Gonna miss the slow and easy congenial pace of southern living, but then, everything changes. If we have learned anything, it's that life is best lived going with the flow...

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Declan died last week. Laima and Robert have always been dog people, but this one was pretty special. A noble beast who welcomed, or at least did not devour, Sam and Lu when we visited them in New Mexico in 2008... even when they drank out of his water dish. So sorry friends