Sunset at Clam Pass. 85 degrees. We hear from family and friends that Maine got socked! And this morning it was 1 degree in Skowhegan. December is a tough month in many ways, but being in this warm and healing place makes it much easier.

We waded in the Gulf of Mexico for about a mile checking out an incredible array of shells. (Nanie would have filled her bucket in 2 minutes! see picture gallery...) Connie knew a short cut back to the car through the mangrove swamp trail and we ended up stranded on a peninsula! Next time we're bringing the Garmin! Incredible beauty. The sun melted into the sea.
Connie called her good friend Carol from Michigan who she hadn't seen since December 1999 just to touch base. Carol said, "Where are you?" "Naples Florida", Connie replied. After a stunned silence, Carol said " Oh my Lord, so am I!!" Long story short. She was sitting in a Starbucks on
Davis Boulevard 5 minutes away from our condo. A picture is worth a thousand words...

Coincidences? Ya think....?
editors comment by Lulu: Sure is nice walking on a beach instead of on ice. Short dogs have a problem with 20 inches of snow! We went to a Christmass tree lighting last night and were mobbed by lots of little girls in red and white dresses. Samson found a friend named Everett. Check the picture gallery... It's so easy to meet people and spread joy when you are as cute as me and Sam...
that'll do,
Sam n' Lu