By the way, girls in pastel wind breakers love us... but that has nothing to do with the story I am about to tell. It's just that pink and light blue compliment my eyes. Don't you think? Anyways...
On Wednesday we went fishing. Muma Luv (Connie) was in Bangor again and the fish were biting so we jumped in the canoe and paddled around the point to the cove near the beaver hut. That's when it happened... Glendog hooked onto a fish, Sampson got excited, jumped up on the front seat to look in the water... and fell in. Well, then things got crazy I'll tell you right now!
Maltese are not know for their strong swimming abilities. Have you ever see one wet? Without our flowing white hair, we are about as skinny as a Chihuahua. Long thin legs, no body fat, weighed down by all that wet hair... Sampson swims like a rock. He was dog paddling like his life depended on it ( and it did! ) and barely keeping his nose above water.
Glendog immediately threw down his fly rod and frantically crab walked/gunnel walked his way to the front of the canoe, in the process almost trampling me and capsizing us all into the lake. The fish on line was now desperately trying to throw the hook from it's mouth and the unattended pole was slashing from one end of the canoe to the other, entangling me in the line.
The canoe calisthenics in getting to the other end of the boat caused it to drift away from my now actively drowning brother. He was blowing bubbles out his nose and his eyes bulged below the surface. And the paddle was now at the other end of the canoe!
In desperation, Glendog threw himself over the bow and started butterflying the canoe toward Sampson. And then in an instant, Sampson flew through the air, held by a fist full of wet hair, snatched from the depths of Davy Jone's locker. He immediately scrambled to his feet and just stood there in the canoe on wobbly legs, retching and gagging and blowing water out his nose. It wasn't until Glendog started laughing at him that he began to timidly wag his tail. Soon he began to shiver from the cold and shook violently soaking us all. That made Glendog laugh even more as he fumbled about to get control of the slashing fly rod, untangle the line from around my neck and reel in a nice little bass.
So I guess it's understandable that Sampson is acting so needy these days and insists on staying close. But I'm more than a little miffed that he is getting so much attention. I mean, he's the one who fell in... my bonehead brother. And besides... I'm cuter.
written by Lulu