We've been camping in Utah for the past few weeks. Incredible country. Hiked Angels Landing (top pic ). Pa-Rus, Watchman, Bryce Navaho Trail, Queen's Garden, Wall Trail, Cape Royal... awesome.

Zion, North Rim of the Grand Canyon, Bryce, Capitol Reef, Escalantes... on to Arches and Canyonlands. Then into AZ for a couple spots recommended by Leslie and Jerry. Santa Fe for Wayne and Holly's wedding of their daughter Lauren next weekend in the Loretto Chapel and some time with Gail, Roland, Wendy and Pete.

We are presently camped out at Calf Creek off Rte 12. Hiked 6 miles to an unbelievable waterfall way back in the canyons. Absolutely unbelievable. Will post pictures later.
Zion was wonderful. Connie was the surrogate grandmother for all the campground kids. It was a blast meeting people from everywhere. Young people. older folks, foreigners, newly weds, kids...

Internet and phone access is spotty right now. We are sitting in a gas station in Boulder Utah watching the thunder storm rip across the expanse. Later kids...