Katie and Elnur's wedding day was such a wonderful time! We awoke at sunrise in the Peter McKernan Center overlooking Spring Point. The old sailors adage "Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning." proved true and the rain came canceling an outside ceremony. No worries. The backup plan worked flawlessly..
Chairs were set, table assignments staged, pictures displayed and flowers arranged with the help of wonderful friends and family (thank you all so much!).
Weather not withstanding, no plan ever comes off without a few glitches and Murphy's Law prevailed once again as the pastor got stuck on the Portland draw bridge waiting for an oil tanker to pass. We all enjoyed a good laugh and she soon arrived and conducted a simply wonderful ceremony. Thank you Deborah!!
The bride was radiant if I do say so and Elnur was so happy to see his college buddies from Baku.
Then it was time for pictures,toasts and speeches. dinner and dancing. The food was great, especially the crab cakes, spanakopita, lamb kabobs and dessert baklava. And NOBODY can use a dance floor like the Foss clan and Katie and Elnur's crazy friends. They rocked the house!
More pictures to follow. Thanks everyone for being a part of this wonderful day. As Connie says "We Love love!" and the love was overwhelming. A perfect day...