all the colorful characters on Custom House Wharf, Jeff is among the most prismatic. He is sort of the elder statesman of the dock, his wisdom and experience often sought out especially around issues of sailboats, rigging, music and the day to day events that unfold up and down the wharf. He lives in a comfortable, temporary shanty erected on the dock as he completes repairs on his older wooden hulled sailboat.

Jeff can usually be found engaged in thoughtful conversation, maneuvering his bicycle around the potholes, puttering on his old Volvo or, of course, sailboat...or playing his music. His music is his passion and you can hear it in his voice, see it in the way the rhythm flows through him as he plays. He loves it.
Jeff has sailed his boat down the Atlantic coast (He's a "blue water" sailor.) more than once on his way to the Caribbean or the Florida Keys for the winter, has moored along Saint Simons Island in Georgia, knows where we are headed next month. And so, as our time in Maine draws to an end, he practiced this song, agreed to let me video it and post it on our blog.

Thanks Jeff. Much appreciated. Fair winds buddy.