It all started about 11 months ago when Gdog and Muma Luv packed up and moved to a 7th floor condo on Pine Point... for December and January! I have to say Lulu and I just loved the 10 miles of beach, the awesome sunrises and chasing the sea gulls. They loved it too. Looking back, they were just trying out their sea legs, seeing what it felt like to unplug from 18 years at 2 Country Way in Waterville. Obviously it felt pretty good... until the heating system sprung a leak one cold Maine February morning and did all sorts of damage.
Three months and $20,000 later the house was ship shape again and on the market. Didn't they complain about having to "fung sheu" the place for the constant stream of house hunters. But it finally sold on July 5th and we all moved into Lee and Becky's cottage on Snow Pond.

We just loved the cottage. There were sunsets and swimming and canoeing/kayaking. There were mice to chase and bigger things that went bump in the night (but we stayed safe in our bed for those. I wasn't scared... just tired). There was time to rest, sleep late and eat good food. I guess we should have known it was too good to last especially when Gdog stopped going to work every day in September and started shopping for vans.
Now we are packing up again and headed South for the winter. We almost got left behind with our sister Katie and big brother Ryan. That would have been fun living in the city, but the landlord backed out at the last minute. Must have been afraid we were too ferocious...
We'll do our best to keep this blog sorta kinda current, but keep in mind that we are just along for the ride. Glen and Connie have some ideas and who knows where this will go.
All for now
Hi Sampson & Delilah!
At my house there are 6 dogs! Five labs and a beagle, and I can't forget Daisy Mae, my daughter's pot belly pig. Glad to see that you are having fun. Thanks for adding me to your list of friends! Please tell Glen and Connie hello for me. Do they really make you ride along in the BACK seat?!!!
Gdog & Muma -- drive away into the sunset, but always create memories, but different than Gordo's. Keep me posted and share pics too. Landicity will be coming your way soon so be our 'on the road ambassador" good driving, diving, and jiving
cya bob
Deah Colonel Sam & Miss Lulu-
I heah you guys hit the rud this a.m.
and I want to wish you a doggone good time - just don't forget yaw Maine roots as you flea to state, ok? Yap, that's right - you'll probably come across some crazy sights along the way (Sammy, those southern belles might catch your eye, they can be quite fetching) but don't roll over and be taken in. You just let them know they're barking up the wrong mini-van! I know it might tick them off - but home is home and cousins is cousins. Gotta go, I got seagulls to scare, whawf cats to chase and rotten bait to chew on. Write soon. Luv - Cousins Gussy
Glen & Connie,
Thank you so very much for sharing this site with us. It is awesome! We got to see things in your pictures we have never seen. (liz) I was in awe of just Boston when I visited my daughter at college. We will check back often. Enjoy!
Love Walter & Liz
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