Blueberry Hill is a nice little picnic area off the ridge road with an easterly view overlooking the Belgrade Lakes. Our camp is just down the hill on Long Pond. The body of water just beyond is Great Pond, then Salmon Lake and finally Messalonskee Lake where we summered last year after selling the house. Now that you've got your bearings...

It's a place of hidden majesty. Around any turn, you might stumble into jaw dropping beauty.

The town of Belgrade Lakes runs along Route 27 between Long Pond and Great Pond and is locally known for the duck at the Belgrade Inn. I've always found to difficult to make those oily fowl edible, but they have a raspberry glaze recipe that's out of this world. I have to say their selection of house paint lacks originality. Must have been a special on white at Aubachons...

We've got three addresses. The PO Box in in Belgrade Lakes, the shipping address is Oakland and the physical address is Rome (1200 full time residents)

Sam n' Lu have to sit outside at Days Store and the Post Office. No mutts allowed. But that's ok. Get to talk to everyone coming and going. Even the pickup driving, bean booted, ball-capped woods workers stopping in for a couple "pounders" of Old Millwakee will stop to pat the pups.

We got caught in a rain squall coming across the lake yesterday. The harder it rained the more we laughed. Luckily we were back home, safe and sound when the hail started. That would have stung...

Headed to Portland tomorrow to a couple doctors appointments with Ryan. They want to do more surgery, but they're not sure why... maybe time for a trip to Boston for a specialist second opinion... ya think?