Trees are budding out and the bugs are swarming. Spring peepers in the evening. The mile long, single lane, dirt camp road twists and turns up to Blueberry Hill.

Belgrade Lakes is a peculiar mix of townies, tourists and summer folk. We rented a post office box from Buzz the Postmaster ( 6 kids, married twice... to the same woman ). The coffee spot and book store, The Lazy Lab, is run by Wendy and Wendy.
But the hub of BL is unquestionably Days Country Store. Sue, Lois and Judy made us all feel welcomed. And after chatting for 5 minutes, we discovered mutual friends and family connections.
Ryan went in yesterday while I stayed outside with the dogs. They took one look at him and said "You're Glen's son...". Today we drove over for some groceries and they said to Ryan, "Hope you heal up quickly and that you come up a lot this summer...".
Just a real comfortable, homey place...

It's a chilly, November 30th day here in Belgrade, Maine. I am reading your blog and missing you all! I am gonna keep an eye on this and see whats happening with you. Believe me when I say you are the BEST. Lois, Judy and I always loved seeing you come through the doors at Day's. Don't forget where we are (come on back and sit a spell)
Love ya lots
Sue Damren
Dear Glenn, Connie, & Ryan-
I wanted you to know how much your story of the loss of your precious son & brother, Eric, touched our hearts. We know of the pain you are so eloquently speaking of, as we too have shared this pain & heartache ...losing two children ourselves three years apart. We were led into the "giving of ourselves" also by becoming founders and chapter leaders of our local BP/USA (Bereaved Parents USA). This has been our way to begin "healing". I shared the show with our group and know it will bring Hope to many. Thank you for what you all did in opening yourselves up so that others can find what we all need so much - Hope. Special thanks to Ryan, as it is rare to find a sibling male who is willing to do so...((((hugs)))
Enjoyed viewing this site...
Deb in NY
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