Tuesday, December 23, 2008

We got our Christmas Wish...

The flight on Saturday morning was canceled due to a big snow storm on Friday night and another big storm was due on Sunday. So they grabbed a flight south to Philidelphia, missed their connect, talked their way onto a flight to Charlotte, missed their connect again and finally picked up a flight into Jacksonville arriving at 11:45. Of course their luggage ended up in South Dakota. No worries...

The last few days have been lots of fun touring the Island, fishing on East Beach, meeting Brenda & Dan, Steve, Mimi, Jay, Gail and Rose, lunch with Jo Anna, walking the dunes, taking in a children's Christmas pagent at church, visiting the bookstore, shopping in the village, driving the golf cart around, basically just vegging out... Sam and Lu are thrilled. So is Connie... (and me too!)

So Merry Christmas all. Sending our love.

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