"Chaparral Cocks", as they are called by the locals, are lightning quick, fast enough to snatch dragon flies and hummingbirds out of midair.
Roadrunners can run up to 17 miles per hour, rarely fly because of their size and are meat eaters. They can catch and kill rattlesnakes and swallow them whole. Sometimes they can't swallow them all at once so they run around with half a snake dragging out of their beak.
The folks down the way have watched roadrunners flush morning doves out of the bushes hoping to have them bounce off windows so they can then rip them to shreds with their powerful legs/beak. They say birds are distant descendants from dinosaurs. Roadrunners are first cousins.
A mature male stand a foot tall and up to two feet long and make a call like shaking a can of ball bearings. Last night one jumped the heck out of me, calling from up on top of the RV and watching me cook spaghetti over the campstove... 10 feet away. Sam and Lu chased one for 50 feet before it disappeared in a flash of blinding speed. Just like the Willey Coyote being left behind in a cloud of dust... Beep Beep!
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