The Allagash Wilderness Waterway is 98 magnificent miles long and we canoed 35 miles of it this past Labor Day weekend. Son, Ryan, and friends Richie and Nate dragged the old man across miles of the most spectacular Maine wilderness to be found. Other than a a couple of kayakers, who quickly left us in the dust, we only saw two other people in 3 days... no houses, no cars, no Walmarts... awesome.
However, we did see a half dozen moose, a couple deer fording the river, geese, gorbies, cormerants, bald eagles, loons and one dead bear.
Highlight of the trip for me, besides the great company, indescribable scenery and fabulous food, was fishing the deep holes from the bow while Ryan guided us single-handedly through the rapids from the stern.
Hi Diddly Dee... Bucket List item # 11. Check

So glad you enjoyed your trip. The Allagash for sure is quite an awesome place.
Jeanne Curran
Director of Public Information
Maine Dept. of Conservation
So its been awhile since I've been on the blog!!! Its been quite a summer...where are you now??
Love to you both! Your cousin from northern Maine....
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