Sunday, May 26, 2013

Foodie Heaven

This one's for you Anna! Deyilan saggvliga! (Cheers!)

Tea with Elnur's Aunt Fatima, on his dad's side. A special chocolate bundt cake made by Elnur's cousin, Asya

Dinner with Elnur's Uncles, Vaqif and Mehmam, on his Mom's side.

Fresh tomatoes and cucumbers with dill with every meal, fresh baked bread from their own clay oven in the back yard scattered on the table wherever there was an empty space, cherries, home made wine, qutab, an herb filled crepe, yogurt, meat stuffed grape leaves (dolma) and dumplings with cherry sauce all spiced so deliciously like nothing you have ever tasted.

And the food just kept on coming... I'm sure we have all gained 10 pounds! So worth it!

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Dragonfly Hill said...
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