Down Oil Well Road through the orange groves and south on Rte 29 through Rock Island to Jerome and onto Jane's Scenic Highway. We didn't know it was 20 miles of single lane dirt road through swamp country or Connie would have jumped ship. The road closes at dusk to protect the wildlife. A flock (gaggle? bunch?) of vultures were feasting on a wild hog in the ditch. How often do you see that....We're not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy...
Even the road signs were foreign to us...

The fading light over the swampland, the amber and yellow colors , the hum of the insects, a remarkable place.

And back onto the Tamiami Trail just as the sun set over the Everglades...

We stopped at the first place we came to which was "The Iron Rhino Saloon", a biker bar for senior citizens. It was Karoke Night. The food was unremarkable, but the beer was cold and we had a basket of fried alligator (tastes like chicken... rubber chicken). Before we left, Connie had made friends with an off duty waitress from Ft. Collins CO names Amelia.

It's all about the people... and the alligators.
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