Saturday, January 26, 2008


Ryan had a second surgery yesterday. They were able to close 80% of the faciotomy wound. Third surgery scheduled for Tuesday to put in another plate and hopefully close the rest of the wound. Next step is the rehab process and getting back to work if only working from home. Coming back was the best and only thing to do and we are playing things one day at a time. Thanks for your words of support.

Connie & Glen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope all is going well with Ryan. Iknow the hassle he went through with his heal and now this. At least he'll know what it's like to get older (because we all know that we don't plan to get old).

Am also familiar with the drive and was impressed that you did it in 29 hours. Must not have been much police protection on the roads.

Love to everyone and kiss Katie and twins for me.
