Click here to watch it. (select the Wed 01/14 trailer...)
If you haven't read the story of our "Oprah Experience"
Click here to read it.
It's a rainy night in Georgia... Hey! That's a Conway Twitty song
Click here to listen.
Have a good one...
Sam n' Lu

Our TIVOs are set!
i'm thinking more like "we sang in the sunshine"...the kid that threw a huge birthday cake in a pool and we speant hours the next day trying to clean the pool...
I just watched the Oprah show and I can only say~ Bless you. You have touched me in such a way I can not begin to explain it right now- at this moment.
D~ {also from Maine}
I just saw your family on the show. I was so touched by your story and I thought they did a nice job of honoring Eric. I wish you continued happiness and strength.
Michelle, from Canada
PS Is Ryan single? hee hee! guys were amazing on Oprah. Glen, it seemed a lot like the days of old, at the office receiving your advice and learning something very meaningful.
The Foss family-Teachers and Leaders!
God Winks when you are on the right path. ;-) ~ nll
You guys were wonderful on the show! So brave and so poised. I thought it would be hard to watch, but it was uplifting, and a lovely memorial to Eric. So many people watch Oprah, I'm sure you helped thousands.
All my best to your family.
Hi Connie & Glen! I saw you guys on Oprah, too. Thanks so much for doing such a wonderful job & for letting people know that grieving our children never does end. I was going to say Eli & I are doing fine (and we are!), but then I checked out your blog and saw you guys are having a whole lot more fun than we are! Hope we see you next time you come to town ~ Take care, Ellen Daly
hey connie and glen!
i saw you on harpo yesterday! you all did a wonderful job and it truly was a tribute to your son.
(thankfully, maureen called me from ME and said "get your TV on, the fosses will be on oprah today!"):) you are a real inspiration to so many, thanks for sharing your story,
blessings on your journeys -
p.s. if you are ever in alabama give us a call -
with much love, p. whatley
Hey Connie and Glenn, Thanks so much for giving my friend some heart felt hope. It will be a year the beginning of Feb that she lost her 21 year old son and the overwhelming grief and hopelessness that she has encountered at times has seemed insurmountable. Your words of comfort and hope gave her such encouragement, Thank you sooo much!! Love cousin Mary from Rhode Island
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