The shrimp must have also been running because the shrimp fleet seined back and forth along the coast as close to the sand bars as they dared. Wonder if the jellyfish were causing them problems... must have.

The brain power in the room is awesome. If you say something, be prepared to be challenged and to back it up. Even the smallest of issues can result in a full blown debate. For instance, Sunday's debate was over the subtle but significant distinctions between the concept of a justice system vs. a legal system. Brion is the computer whiz and acts as the information arbitrator, final but not binding. Sometimes when things calm down he "frags" the group with a choice piece of well researched information. Debates are ongoing and span years. I am just a side show.
I took my family over a few Sundays ago and they were a big hit, not shy about engaging in any debate ( they were raised in it!).
Just good guys willing to share a lifetime of adventure and experience.
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