Friday, April 18, 2008


A great day. 2 doctors appointments. At the oncology center he received 2 IV infusions and it was like the clouds lifted and the sun shone through. He felt better than he had in 3 weeks. He is scheduled for weekly repeats over the next month (he asked for it daily...). On our way to the orthopedic appointment, he asked to stop and pick up some fried chicken (not on the mega-vitamin nutritional diet regime but...) and ate like a ravenous dog. 

We figured out that his waves of nausea corresponded with the automatic antibiotic infusion that he receives every four hours for an hour for the next 5 weeks from a portable pump that he carries around attached to a PICC line in his arm. He now has anti-nausea medicine that he takes just before these infusions. Hoping that helps his appetite.

The bone doctor x-rayed and was pleased with the alignment. The swollen knee is inflamed tissue, not fluid, which is good. They think he may be ready to begin PT when his overall health improves.

Sitting in the oncology center, a large open room with many recliners and brightly colored walls, surrounded by bald women and men receiving chemotherapy was also an awakening. Surrounded by extreme courage and hope. Neither of us missed the message...

Maybe more information than you wanted to read, but I want to share the up days. Too many down days lately. Hoping the trend continues...

Sending love and admiration to my honey in an RV park on the west coast... miss my travel buddy.

1 comment:

Chodorov USA said...

Am so glad and grateful for the upswing and finally some good news.Hurray for Ryan. Hurray for you. I shoulda called sooner, eh?
Sending you good wishes and thoughts and energy - just remember you are now in the most important place you could be.
Jennia and Dan