Monday, July 20, 2020

Country Music

Now, it's my music of choice. That and jazz.

As a younger man I initially gravitated to rock and roll, but soon drifted heavily toward folk. My first LP  in 1961 was Chubby Checker. We were all doing the twist. Elvis exploded on the scene. You ain't nothin but a hound dog...

My next LP was Glenn Campbell, Wichita Lineman. That's when I picked up the guitar. Peter, Paul and Mary, John Denver, protest songs from 60s. When I first heard Mason Williams Classical Gas in 1968 I ran out and bought my first 45. I wore it out.

In the late 60s, Gordon Lightfoot, James and Livingston Taylor, Tom Rush, Simon and Garfunkel, Joan Baez, Jim Croce, Janice Joplin, Jimmy Hendricks, Credence Clearwater Revival.

In the 70's it was Boston, Pousette Dart, Fleetwood Mac, Cat Stevens. Bread, Chicago, Brewer and Shipley, Elton John, England Dan and John Ford Coley, Dan Fogelberg, Seals and Croft.  And Jazz.

I raised my sons on jazz. They both went on to become accomplished saxophone jazz musicians.

Today when I walk the beach I jam out to jazz. It pumps me up. But more and more I listen to Country music. It softens me. I love the lyrics. Makes me cry. It's about love and loss and remembering happy times.

And these days, remembering happy times is a soothing balm to my weary, ragged soul. It's a good thing.

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