Thursday, November 18, 2021


I have less of it these days. My gas tank always used to be full. Sure, when I worked hard, I would sleep hard and magically the tank was full again. I was able to juggle many balls in the air at the same time, figure things out on the fly, achieve whatever I set my mind and body to achieve.

Age and wear and tear has changed the recharge schedule. I spend more time sitting and idyling my engine. I've been ridden hard and put away wet, become more of a spectator and less a participant.

I don't like it. Like an old war horse, I want to be in the action. I just don't have it like I used to. It feels like laziness, but it's not. It's a distasteful, grudging acceptance of a slower pace. I've rounded third base and am ambling into home. Might as well, because we will all be thrown out at home plate.

Unless we go into extra innings. Never enjoyed that part of the game. Usually boring and ending in "sudden death".

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great to hear from Mr. Foss again.
Keep 'em coming