Sunday, February 5, 2023


 We have all been reading about the developments associated with Artificial Intelligence and, most recently, an application called ChatGPT. Some online accounts predict this technology will create major impacts on many of today's careers from financial management to journalism to engineering and especially software engineering. There are already reports of students using the app to write papers and newspapers producing articles. Future workforce beware. One online account described the concerns as being BS and overblown. So what is the truth? 

My daughter and son-in law are tech savvy millennials and we talked about the issue at dinner the other night. They both have used the app and agree it will have a major impact in the short term, not only on their jobs, but in the global work world. I asked for a demonstration.

I have been thinking about writing a funny blog about the indignities of aging. So what would ChatGPT produce when simply instructed to write a lighthearted article about the topic? In less than 30 seconds, it wrote the following...

The Indignities of Old Age: A Lighthearted Look

"As we age, we experience a multitude of changes in our bodies and minds, some of which can be quite humorous. From forgetting names to shuffling around like we have a permanent limp, the indignities of old age can be quite a laugh riot. But, seriously, what's the deal with gravity? How does it suddenly get so strong? And why do our joints start creaking like a haunted house?

One of the most noticeable indignities of old age is our declining memory. We forget things that we once knew by heart, like our own phone number or the name of the person we just met. It's like our brain is playing a game of hide and seek and the memories are hiding just out of reach. And don't even get us started on trying to remember passwords. Our password is usually "password123" but we can never remember if it's with a capital P or not.

As if that weren't enough, our bodies start to rebel against us too. Our once nimble fingers now fumble and drop things, and our once strong legs now shake and quiver. And don't even get us started on the aches and pains that seem to pop up out of nowhere. It's like our bodies are saying, "Hey, remember when you were young and carefree? Well, payback's a b*tch!"

But, despite all these indignities, we can still find the humor in the situation. After all, laughter is the best medicine, right? Just imagine the look on the face of the young cashier who asked us if we need help reaching the top shelf, and we replied, "No, but thank you for offering. I just wanted to see if I still had my arms."

In conclusion, the indignities of old age may be many, but we can still find the humor in the situation. We may forget things, we may shuffle around, and we may ache in places we didn't know existed, but we're still here and we're still living life to the fullest. So, let's laugh and make the most of it!"

Not bad. The humor is trite. And the conclusion is lame. What seems to be missing is the personal experience piece. But the technology is simply amazing. And AI learns and becomes better at an exponential rate.

I will still write my blog on the subject...later.

The Singularity is Now.

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