The parade was nice; So were the ceremonies and the speeches from the military personnel and VFW old timers. We walked away with a sense of gratitude for the men and women who served this country (who served us...) That's when we stumbled upon Cecil.
He is a self proclaimed "young 88" and had served in the Army Air Corp in WWII, like Joe Murphy. He flew 78 missions from India, over the Himalayas, to Burma, The experience, like for so many of his generation, defined his life. He lives it even today... every day.
The speaker, a brigadere general who had been at the Pentagon on 9/11, said. "War is cruel... And sometimes, despite our words and our diplomacy, war is unavoidable." He said, " America's warriors will always be vigilant to protect our country, our people."
Made us remember Joe. He served. He protected. It's easy to overlook his sacrifice, to take it for granted. Thank you seems like so little to say for so much.
1 comment:
Your web site is great! Roy
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