It's been almost 2 weeks since we hit the road. All in all, it's been super relaxing. It's very different to be "unscheduled". Takes a little getting used to, but every day gets easier and you can see the lines dissapear from their brows.
Lunch at Mullets Bay. Bloody Mary's and a bowl of boiled shrimp. Outstanding. Connie started dancing much to the delight of the wait staff.
Yesterday a nice lady stopped to pat us. Her husband had just passed away and she needed some cuddling (Lulu filled that bill...). She invited us all over to her oceanfront home to talk about hospice volunteers and to help her with her computer. You never know who is going to walk into your life. As Helen Keller wrote "Life is an adventure... or nothing at all."
OK, that'll do;
Sam n' Lu
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