Wednesday, November 7, 2007

"Who has more fun than people..?"

entry by glen;
'Fast Eddie' Greenlaw always used to say that... never knew what it meant but find myself using it in lots of bizarre situations.

Bringing the dogs along was the right thing for us to do. They love to ride, love to sleep and take walks; and they do no harm. The bonus is that we get to talk to lots of interesting people who wouldn't look twice at a couple of Yankees with foolish grins on their faces. Kids are often the first to approach us and you know how good Connie is with them. It's not long before we're engaged in a full blown conversation about kitties and doggies and rainbows and butterflies.. Oh MY!

I walked out on the pier yesterday. There are usually 4 of 5 people fishing for crabs ( they tie some chicken in the bottom of a wire basket and line it to the bottom and after a while they pull it up and dump out the blue crabs. ) And then there is the peanut gallery of old timers sitting on the bench in the shade watching and talking in a dialect that I don't comprehend, but I guess the dogs do. They walk over the accept the ear scratching and "dawg whisperin". The old timers make no comment to me, don't even make eye contact. Must be the foolish grin...

And then there was the Toy Store lady who chased Connie back to the car while holding her little dog Ginger and talking nonstop for 20 minutes. Connie never got a word in and when I finally put the van in reverse and forced a retreat (...almost running her over in the process) Con turned to me and said " Is everyone down here on crack!"

That evening, as we walked the shoreline, we were stopped by two ladies who wanted to pet the dogs, one was elderly and spoke with a German accent. The other seemed like her caregiver and didn't say much. I spoke to the elderly woman in German, told her I didn't speak the language well and answered her questions about where I'd been in Germany. She was impressed when I pronounced Munich as the German's do (Munchen) and said " Oh, ya, ya... you know Adolf Hitler was from there? He was a good Fuhrer! He was just misunderstood... He just had poor advisers."... At that point, incredulous and stunned, we just shook our heads and, with a foolish grin, I replied " Who has more fun than people..." Good old Eddie.

editors note from Sampson: If you want to post a picture just email it to

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you guys are making your trip fun for all of us who read your blog! Thanks!